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   NEWS 2002


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The Thurston Report   September 2002

  To Seek and Save the Lost

Casilla 207-11 Santiago, Chile E-mail: jamest@terra.cl
Phone 011-562-274-2485  www.intergridad.com

Other Newsletters: March 29, 1999
May 15, 2000
August 15, 2000
December 15, 2000
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May 2002  
September 2002
December 2002
June 2003
December 2003

Claudia says “Thanks”

Claudia Vega who lives in Concepción, Chile is another person who is grateful for your investment and prayers in our work. This is what she wrote to me.

Paul at the controls of our Internet streaming section

Dear Pastor Jim: My family is Christian. When I was 15, I came to know the Lord. Although I was a leader in the church, I felt rejected, damaged, hurt and humiliated. Part of it may have been that I was molested for two years between the age of 8-11 by my uncle.

In my first year of law school although I was getting good grades, my father became sick and I had to drop out. When I became depressed, I would go to the internet and pass days and nights before the computer to escape where no one could harm me. I made friends, but at the same time I had a vacuum in my life. I didn’t eat, sleep and many times I just cried.

After several years on the internet, the telephone bills started to add up, but this was my way to escape and so it didn’t matter. My folks became mad at me and took the telephone out of the house, but I would go to a cyber café and log on to the Internet. My problems instead of getting better only got worse and in fact I basically didn’t have any life. I thought at times to commit suicide even though I was a Christian. What I really needed was a new encounter with Christ. I was crying out to God to do something, and soon.

And He answered my prayers!

He heard my prayers. One day very late in the evening, a friend of mine told me that the famous Christian singer, Danilo Montero would be on the Integridad.com chat. I wanted to talk to him, but I was really in bad shape. I had been walking for hours in early evening crying all the time and I really needed a miracle from God. I entered into the chat and I asked a couple of questions to him, but he didn’t take me to seriously, so I began to talk to Steve Thurston who was the moderator and in the USA.. The only thing I needed was help. I needed a miracle. While I was talking to Steve, the Cyber Café manager told me I had to leave as they were closing. I gave my phone number to Steve so they could call me on my cell phone, once the chat was finished, because I wanted to continue the conversation. A while after that, the call came from the pastor who was with Danilo and he talked to me, told me that his son Bruno Frigoli and his wife Heather were also pastors in the same city where I was located and that he would have his son call me.

When Bruno did call, I couldn’t keep from crying as I needed God. We got together the next day and I opened up my heart to them. I couldn’t keep from crying. It was 12 years of keeping this bottled up inside me. I was suffering and feeling sorry for my self and in my heart I wanted the love, kindness and acceptance of those around me.

God, in his grace, used this new technology to find this young married couple who have been such a blessing to my life. It hasn’t been easy. There are still times when I’m sad, but it is not the same as before. I will never be the same and I will never return to suffer from the hurts because God has healed my hurts. He has given me value and I am now learning to walk in Him. When the hurts and suffering pop up again and I feel like crying, God strengthens and encourages me. Now I want to study in a Bible Institute so that I can better serve the Lord. Thank you www. Integridad.com Thank you pastor Jim.


As many of you know, the health insurance premiums have greatly increased recently. It has hit us very hard. In the last six months they have they have raised our family monthly premiums two times going from $500 to $700. Not long ago this same coverage was just $250. We have tried to get other insurance, but because of my age, it is impossible. For us, insurance is very vital as we are required to have coverage on the field. Would you please look for others to help invest in our ministry as we need to cover this new $200 monthly deficit. This is our main prayer request for this month.

It is finished
Jim looking happy that the control room is back in order and everything working




The remodeling of the studio control room is now completely finished and we are rolling once again. Little did the architect know when we first started, that the remodeling would take so long. He had predicted it would only take 6 weeks, but instead it took 6 months. It was discovered that the structure had a major flaw in it. (dating back to the late 80's) We have corrected the problem and it looks beautiful and gives the image of a professional video control room, which we praise the Lord.

Blessings in Holland

My son, Steve giving our presentation to the group in Holland

The Internet Congress in Holland was very profitable. There were 14 who attended from the following countries; Chile representing all the Spanish speaking countries, France, Germany, England, USA, Canada, China, Australia and the hosts, Holland. We talked about how we can become more effective. For example, in France they had over 700 receive Christ last year which were all documented. On our web site, www. Integridad.com, we may have had the same or many more who received Christ, but our system was not set up to document them, The French are now helping us out in this area.

Up and coming project

At the end of each year, the Son of Man's Mission has a fund-raising campaign to help strengthen and improve our work in Chile. This year, we are asking that you help us out in a special way like we did 3 years ago. We desperately need some things to make the mission in Chile run faster and smoother. To do this, we will be asking you in the next three months to help us out with a one time gift in order to complete these needy projects. We are praying the Lord will supply the $25,000 that we need. Would you begin to pray about helping us with $50, $500, $1000 or $5000 as a one time gift before the end of the year? Thanksgiving or Christmas is a wonderful time to say thanks for the blessings we have received from Him.

Lina's up date

Lina's left hand was operated on this past week and a cyst was taken off a tendon. It seems it was a success and we praise the Lord for his protection in the operation. The right hand that had been operated on in late March, seems to be coming along well. In late October, she will we be taking 17 women to an international women's conference in Uruguay. She will be one of the speakers at the congress and asks for your prayers.

A friend of mine wrote me this, he said, "A couple weeks ago I had the privilege of being at Ground Zero. What most impressed me was not the thousands of memorials that were left in the form of pictures, flags, etc. What impressed me the most was that in the midst of this devastation, was the cross at ground zero. As the World Trade Center tumbled to the ground, there in the midst of the destruction was discovered a cross formed from the steel beams.”

"It is, to me, a vivid reminder that in the midst of evil, the CROSS STILL STANDS. No matter how horrible evil may seem, THE CROSS STILL STANDS! No matter how deep our pain, THE CROSS STILL STANDS!” 

"So, as we remember rightly so today, let us also remember that God has left for us in the midst of our pain, a reminder to all the world, to all who will see…THE CROSS STILL STANDS!” Let us remember in this time to look to the cross ourselves, and to point others to the cross. 

And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Luke 9:23 (KJV) 


In Christ, 

Jim and Lina


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